Welcome to CARFAC SASKatchewan Member Services!
As a member of CARFAC Saskatchewan, you have access to a number of services, events and programs in our province and across Canada. Please choose from the menu below.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact a CARFAC office. We would be pleased to help.
A copy of the MEMBERS GUIDE TO SERVICES AND PROGRAMS was given to when you joined CARFAC SASK. An online copy will be make available when revisions have been completed.

CARFAC SASK has negotiated discounts for our members at a number of art supply retailers and other businesses in the province.
Show your CARFAC SASK membership card to receive your discount.
Updated: January 8, 2021
Art Placement
Saskatoon: 228 - 3rd AVE S Travelers' Annex, Back LaneTravelers' Annex, Back Lane
Phone: 306.664.3931 Fax: 306.933.2521
E-mail: supplies@artplacement.com
10% off Framing & Art Supplies
Hues Art Supplies
Saskatoon: 1818 Lorne Avenue
Phone: 306.653-1900
Web address: 306-653-1900
10% off Art Supplies
McNally Robinson
Saskatoon: 3130 8th Street East (8th Street at Circle Drive)
Phone 306-955-3599, Toll Free in Saskatchewan: 1-877-506-7456
Fax 306-955-3977, E-mail: info@saskatoon.mcnallyrobinson.ca
$15 off initial membership card purchase
Sally's Frame Shop
Regina: 2406 9th Ave N
Phone: 949-3838
10% off Framing
CARFAC SASK members are also eligible for SaskCulture discounts on hotels and car rentals.
Reduced hotel rates
SaskCulture organizational members are eligible for the SaskCulture rate at hotels in Regina and Saskatoon. Contact SaskCulture, or click this title, for a listing of hotels that provide this service.

Photo Light Kits
We have lighting equipment kits available at both CARFAC SASK offices. Each kit contains a pair of halogen lamps, lamp stands, a tripod and an incident light meter.
Members may borrow the kits for the purpose of photographic documentation of their works. The equipment is not intended for commercial use, nor for non-photographic uses (installations, exhibits, etc).
Prior to the use of equipment borrowers must participate in a certification program or exhibit competency and skill in use and care of the equipment. A loan fee and security deposit are required.
Members may book the equipment in advance, by contacting CARFAC SASK staff during office hours.
( sorry...the chair is not included in the kit...)
INFO SHEETS are produced by CARFAC SASK as an informational service to provide a summary of issues of interest to practising visual artists in Saskatchewan. They are intended to be used as guidelines for the reader, not to replace professional advice, which may be required before taking action. Neither the authors nor CARFAC SASK can assume liability for problems that may arise from their use or for any errors or omissions contained herein. Views expressed in INFO SHEETS are not necessarily those of CARFAC SASK.
Copyright, all rights reserved. No part of these publications may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of CARFAC SASK and/or the authors.
You will need Adobe Reader or similar software in order to view PDF files.
The Saskatchewan Gallery Survey is produced every three years in order to provide a comprehensive guide to the galleries in Saskatchewan, including artist cooperatives, artist-run centres, commercial and public galleries.
Information includes gallery mandates, and submission requirements and exhibition terms such as contracts, exhibition fees, insurance provided, and more.
Saskatchewan Gallery Survey 2020-2022
Saskatchewan Gallery Survey 2009-2012

The 2013 to 2016 Visual Arts Handbook was the last physical book published. A few copies are still available through the offices.
In 2016, CARFAC SASK launched an online resource called the Business of Art Website. The TBA website takes the place of the Visual Arts Handbook. This interactive, educational site provides information about pursuing a career in the arts, featuring the advice of seasoned professionals in Saskatchewan’s arts scene. The site covers a range of topics and offers links to online resources.
CARFAC SASK is led by an elected Board of Directors, who develop policies and priorities and guide the operations of the organization. A staff of one full-time Executive Director, and two part-time Office Coordinators manage the two offices and all programs and activities. Contract staff are often utilized for programs (Newsletter), projects and special events (Symposia).
Working committees of volunteers may assist the board in the development of policy, programs, and guidelines. In the case of large projects, such as the Artists in Residence/Artists in Schools Project, a coordinator may be contracted to assist the committee (if funds permit). In addition, ad hoc committees are formed to address specific needs or projects.
Board of Directors
Provincial Representative
Vice Provincial Rep
Past Provincial Rep
Members at large:
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting takes place in November each year. It’s an opportunity for the membership to keep up to date on current programs and activities, and a time to reflect on the past, present and future of the organization. The AGM also affords the members a chance to participate in the organization as a board member or volunteer.