Professional, Associate, Student, Institution, and Sustaining memberships are available. CARFAC SASK membership includes membership in CARFAC National, the collective voice of Canada's visual artists. Full membership, which includes voting privileges, is reserved for professional visual artists who reside in Saskatchewan. The full membership fee is an allowable business expense for artists.
Professional Voting Members
for professional visual artists across Saskatchewan
Associate Non-Voting Members
for individuals and institutions with an interest in the arts
Sustaining Voting Members
for professional artists who wish to make a more substantial contribution
Are you a professional artist? The International Artists Association defines a "professional artist" as one who:
earns a living through art making;
or possesses a diploma in an area considered to be within the domain of the fine arts;
or teaches art in a school of art or applied art;
or whose work is often seen by the public or is frequently or regularly exhibited;
or is recognized as an artist by consensus of opinion among professional artists.
To pay by cheque or money order, send by mail with our CARFAC SASK Membership Application.
To pay by etransfer contact Wendy at director.sask@carfac.ca

Purchase online or send a cheque or money order by mail with our CARFAC SASK Membership Application.